Tuesday, May 29, 2012


I am almost to my home! It was a long and all too eventful trip to California, but I finally made it. I was able to stay the weekend in Loma Linda for Ali's graduation! It was a very happy weekend. Today I am flying back to Oklahoma. I am missing Ebeye terribly. I keep talking about it and I can't stop. It's strange to be back. Normal life doesn't feel normal. Normal clothes don't look normal. And the things I thought I missed don't seem the same. I feel homesick for Ebeye. But I have so much to be happy about, too. I am thrilled to be home with my family and to see the people who have been so supportive while I've been away. I am so very blessed to have two homes and two loving families. I am praying that I will remain imprinted by my experience in Ebeye and continue to grow and be challenged as I have been the past five months. Ebeye holds a special place in my heart and I am forever changed by the tiny, overcrowded, beautiful, and loving island that is now my second home. I miss you, Ebeye.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

School Is Out!

Man, oh man, am I going to miss these kids. This was our last week of school, so it was full of the fun stuff. Picnics and parties all week! Today was the last day of school. I gave the sixth graders stickers and chapsticks from my friend Olivia and little rainbow drawing boards from my mom. Some of them wrote me little notes on them. One of the boys wrote the sweetest thing.

“I LOVE you miss Karissa more than I can say and I just want you to know you’re your name will be in my heart and God bless you on your way thank you for anything. Rufos”

As if saying bye wasn’t sad enough, one of the girls in my class asked me why I was leaving. I told her, “When I decided to come I signed to be here only until May.” Then she looked at me with sad eyes, “You should have signed to be here forever.” Later she asked me why I decided to come to Ebeye and I told her why and she said, “I want to be that person when I’m older. When I am in college I want to do what you are doing.” She wants to help people! She didn’t know it, but that was exactly what I needed to hear—that my time here made a little difference in her life and that I’ve inspired her in some way.

I wish I could continue to be a part of their lives and see how they grow and what they are like when they are older. I would have loved to be here longer, but I know God has it all worked out.

May 22 is Littil’s birthday (also my mom’s birthday!) so the girls are coming over the 23rd to celebrate. Should be fun! This island is like a small town so I will see most of my students again before I leave on Friday. Next week will be the epitome of bittersweet.

I watched the sun rise every day last week! It was a good week.

Eighth graders during our class party

Oronia had to go to the doctor after school so Ngedikes and I went with her. As the doctor was putting the ear-light thing in her ear, she starting mouthing the words, "Take a picture. Miss, Miss, take a picture." Haha!

2nd and 3rd grade picnic at Beach Park

The student missionaries after our farewell party from the high schoolers

Cuties at the Pre-K, Kindergarten and 6th grade picnic

Littil and me

Ngedikes and me

The girls at the picnic

Boys eyeing the sandwiches

The Beautiful Barge

Rudyron, such a friendly little guy!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Jiko Gets a Puppy

Jiko, our little four year old friend, is now the proud owner of a cutie little puppy. Someone found a puppy by the school and somehow decided Jiko would be a sufficient owner for the little guy. Jiko came in the apartment today with his puppy and tossed him on the couch. We tried telling him he needed to be careful with his dog and carry it nicely, but he didn’t seem to care.

“What do you feed your dog?”

“…I feed him water.”

“Jiko, the dog needs food and water.”

“I give him water three times a day.”

“Make sure you give him food, too. What did you name your dog?”


“But this is a boy.”

“His name is Molly.”

This poor little puppy is so scared of Jiko. He’s so sleepy and cuddly, but when Jiko comes around or if he hears his voice near him, he starts shaking. Poor Molly. He’s really funny looking. His right side is kind of albino and he looks like he’s half bat with his huge ears, but he’s so stinkin’ cute! I hope Jiko can keep him alive…

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

My Day at School

Week of Prayer!
Countdown to the last day of school. Now at 16!
Jeo, Ashiro, and Aeto

Lajutok, Rufos, and me

Littil and I listening to Justin Bieber. :)

This girl has Bieber Fever.

Making our crowns for heaven! Thank you Judi Carrico for the supplies. :)


Flora, Almi, Baby Junior, and Oronia

Lajutok, Ronald, and Malvin

Ronald, Joey, and Ashiro

Rufos and Lajutok -- best friends, these two are so amusing!

Oronia and her Baby Brother

They all love him



Ronald, Lajutok, and Joey

Littil and Marialla

Proud Ronald

Cutie Baaaabbbbyyyy

The girls and fussy baby

Joey (he doesn't usually make that face! haha), Malvin, Oronia and me

Junior and Nathasha

Finishing touches :)



Malvin and Joey -- best friends

The seventh grade classroom

Outside the eighth grade classroom

The sixth grade classroom at the end of the day. Trashed.

Seventh grade girls

The little store across the street from the school

The view :)

Kenye, Oronia, Ngedikes and their prize for cleaning well

Kenye and me

Clean-up time!

Ebeye Time