Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Home for the Summer

So, plans have changed. Coming home I was a little nervous about my busy summer of condensed classes and camp all squeezed into a tiny amount of time. Well, my "before camp" class got cancelled and my only option was to take a class here in OK for the next two months. So, sadly, no camp for me. I am pretty bummed because Melissa, my good friend from Ozark, was going to work at Camp Cedar Falls with me this summer and we were going to have so much fun.
Valentine's Masquerade Banquet
February 2009
Cool "masks" we have, huh?
We haven't been together for more than a day since the summer after we graduated. I miss that girl! This could have been God's way of relieving me of the stressful summer I had planned. Now that I won't be working at camp, I will be taking an online religion course and I get to take elective classes that I will actually enjoy: Photoshop and Yoga. Plan B isn't too bad, but I will miss camp a lot. I'm hoping to find some sort of job, at least for the last two months of summer while I won't be taking classes. The little podunk diner down the hill is hiring, maybe I'll check that out. :)

I am still missing Ebeye a lot. I got to Skype Oronia, one of my students, today though. It was good to see her smiling face! I miss those kids. They will never know how they changed my life!


  1. the Wagon Diner place?? please work there.. you would have the best stories!!

  2. photoshop AND yoga? worth it!


Ebeye Time